As mentioned on my home page I have some ideas in mind for what I would like to do for this website. I shall be logging such ideas here.
- Post my indexes of useful sites, applications, extensions, etc. (years in the making!); this project is not too unsimilar to the districts on NeoCities site
- This index will likely have Nertivia & Discord server mirrors (since documentation server templates exist). Mirrors in PasteBin form will be made as well via 0bin> & CryptPad mirrors
- My listography page (note to self: I still need to make a listography page)
- maybe a Carrd page too
- ...and/or a Start Page
- Figure out something to do with my Error 404 page since I can't exactly do what I want with a free account.
- Make a website button
- Post more website buttons, particularly for websites I have referenced anywhere (such as the aforementioned districts on NeoCities)
- Make an art page for poetry, graphic design, drawings, music, memes, etc.
- A FAQ/About page that includes 1) why "Frozen Flash", 2) why did you make a NeoCities page? (see: Day 0 Progress Log Manifesto), 3) what's the main goal of this NeoCities page?
- Figure out how to make a dark mode friendly version of this website.
- Make a Daily "Bleh" page (see the bottom of the hyperlinked page) a la Wikipedia's featured article of the day section ...except instead of just having featured pages from my website I'll just link to whatever random page I have bookmarked in my computer somewhere
- A public domain license
- Have a less informal background at some point
- Make a FEDiverse account; it wouldn't be fitting to post a mainstream social media profile to this NeoCities page ("the form fits the function")
- Start blogging?